
So Easy to be Ignorant

Check out all of Ms. Palin's lies in her book here!


  1. That darn liberal media! Always trying to confuse the people! The saddest part is, it's probably on both sides of the fence. It's a shame to see the extreme polarization that exists here, unwilling to recognize the merits of other ideas. More than anything I think this video definitely shows this on the conservative side, but that doesn't mean the liberals are immune...

  2. Of course not! And of course, not everybody who buys Palin's book is a complete idiot, but I believe this is an accurate representation of the great majority of buyers. Which makes me sad.
    There are ignorant liberals: they're usually the ones who piss off ignorant conservatives by saying that everything should be given them of the government, etc.
    But c'mon, you can't even give legitimate and logical reasoning as to why you support the woman??

  3. This is so frightening! I don't understand the lack of education with these people! They seem like they would want to research and inform themselves of every avenue if they are so passionate. Its very disturbing.

  4. @soli:
    Unfortunately, the reasoning is and will continue to be "I just feel it." Looking back through the history glass, once upon a time, many of these individuals lacked the right to vote. I think it's well passed the time that America wakes up and realizes that each of these rights which we have as US citizens are earned, with the right to vote realized by the individual reaching out to understand the issues, it's time to end the era of hiding behind a few voices (on both sides of the fence). Thanks to the filmmakers for bringing this point home.

  5. And every one of these people sees himself as a well-informed, no-nonsense, practical, patriotic citizen . . .

  6. Fear and catch phrases are great motivators.
