Just got this e-mail from a professor of mine:
Our friends at the Tower Theatre are in a bit of trouble. They are taking donations as small as $5.
Help the Tower!
Ever wanted to be more involved in your film community? Now is your chance to really make a difference.
Upon starting the 4:30 digital screening of the film Afghan Star last Friday, the Tower's digital projector shorted out and is now beyond repair. The machine was purchased in 2000 when the lumens, or strength of light power, were based on one chip and not extremely bright. Since then, technology in this field has made a vast improvement and current available projectors have potential to give us festival quality projection. We are so close! Still, we need your help to make it possible! So join in by making a contribution today and be directly invested into providing film access at the Tower Theatre for many years to come.
We're raising money through Facebook Causes, if you're not a member of Facebook it only takes a few seconds to sign up and start helping!
Click here to visit the cause page and DONATE!
We're trying to reach the goal of $8,500 in only four days, so please help now! All donations are tax deductible and every little bit helps!
For those of you who don't know, the Tower is one of the oldest operating theatres in Utah. It is entirely funded by the Salt Lake Film Society, is one of the favorite local theaters, maintains a library of the most beautiful and obscure films in Salt Lake, and is a site for the Sundance Film Festival. If you can, do donate!
Save the clock tower! Save the clock tower! Oh wait, not that tower. I get it. I just got all nostalgic on ya'll.