
The Ferry Life

So, let's catch everyone up a little bit: we arose this morning and came back to Tirana and went to pick up our Avis rental. Unfortunately, as they explained, there was no way to just leave the car in Venice because there was no Albanian Avis station there. Hu-wha?!?!
Well, we were a lot disappointed, but it probably is for the better. We'll still try to get over and see Croatia at least. The worst thing was that Avis America said we could when we rented it, but Avis Shqiperise said we couldn't. Oh well. We'd just have to find another way to get into Italy.
Those options are plentiful, and we decided to look into taking a bus up through the route we were going to take, going by boat, or going by plane.
Pricewise, going by boat turned out to be cheaper than us renting the car, while the others just weren't feasible.
So, we've got tickets on a ferry to Bari, Italy tonight at 11pm. We'll arrive in Bari in the mornin', and get on a train for Venice--maybe. We might just stay in Southern Italy and see Rome and Firenze (Florence) while we're there. Haha, we'll see how we feel!!


  1. This is turning into quite the adventure...are you all surviving?

  2. haha, we're surviving all right. just need a good night's sleep and then i think we'll all be charged up.
